HEMOCHRON Signature Elite Microcoagulation System, ITC (CAT#: STEM-LE-0050-LC)


Large, easy-to-read display
Onboard Ethernet connection port
Integrated barcode reader

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0050-LC

Application: ACT-LR: Low Range Activated Clotting Time<br />ACT+: Activated Clotting Time Plus<br />PT: Prothrombin Time<br />Citrate PT: Citrate Prothrombin Time<br />APTT: Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time<br />Citrate APTT: Citrated Partial Thromboplastin Time

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Hemochron® Signature Elite is an easy-to-use portable microcoagulation system that enhances compliance and patient safety. Hemochron's extensive menu can be used to standardize care coagulation point throughout the facility. Elite integrates data management and connectivity functions and supports connection to most major data management systems.


Capacity: 600 patient and QC test results (Storage)


Large, easy-to-read display
Onboard Ethernet connection port
Integrated barcode reader
Scan and store cuvette, batch and quality control information
Automatic internal EQC and temperature verification
LQC and EQC lock
Configure via the HEMOCHRON Configuration Manager (HCM) to display pass or fail Liquid Quality Control (LQC) and store actual values
Store up to 600 patients and QC test results
Allow up to 600 OID table entries
Enter up to 9 PIN codes manually
Automatically mark test results with date and time
Scan or manually enter up to 20 PID alphanumeric characters
Scan or manually enter up to 16 OID alphanumeric characters

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