The manufacturer of Honeycomb HPLC Fraction Collector is Bioanalytical Systems, Inc (BASi). Model is Honeycomb. The BAS Honeycomb™ is a refrigerated fraction collector for collecting samples at low flow rates (typically 1-2 µL/min) from microdialysis or ultrafiltration probes. It can also be used to collect fractions eluted from microporous chromatography columns (aqueous mobile phase) at flow rates less than 200 µL/min.
Condition: used Collect samples at low flow rates: typically 1-2 µL/min Collect fractions eluted from microporous chromatography columns (aqueous mobile phase) at flow rates: less than 200 µL/min
1. 1 - 2 sample sleeves. 2. Refrigerate sample vials to 4 °C. 3. Open architecture allows bottles to be removed and replaced during collection. 4. Use sealed or open vials or combinations. 5. The loaded carousel can be removed and stored. 6. Simple way to set up via front panel keypad and LCD display. 7. Remote control via queen bee smart syringe pump or rear panel input. 8. The optional method delay allows the rest of the system to equilibrate. 9. The device can be used for pollen-8 online injector collection/injection operation. 10. Simple maintenance and replacement of sampling needles. 11. The inner volume of the sampling needle is small (7.1µL).