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Huamo SW22-4040 Sea water RO membrane, 78ft2 (7.2m2), Huamo (CAT#: STEM-GMAE-4858-LGZ)

Cat Number: STEM-GMAE-4858-LGZ

Application: For use in large-scale industrial and municipal water treatment systems.

Model: SW22-4040

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SW22 elements can separate salts from water and increase permeability while offering superior salt rejection.

Suitable for:
1. new-built or existing ROsystems.
2. high quality permeate while minimizing unitcost.
3. various operating conditions with 4″and8″elements.


Active Membrane Area ft2 (m2): 78(7.2)
StabilizedSalt Rejection%: 99.5
Minimum Salt Rejection%: 99.0
Permeate Flow Rate gpd (m3/d): 2,050(7.8)

Test Condition: Feed Water Pressure 1.55MPa (225 psi); Feed Water Temperature 25 °C (77 °F); Feed Water Concentration 32,000 ppm NaCl; Feed Water pH 8; Permeate Recovery 15%.

Operation Condition
MaximumOperating Pressure 55 bar(800 psi)
Maximum Operating Temperature 45℃(113℉)
Maximum Pressure DropperElement 1.0 bar (15 psi)
pH Range,ContinuousOperation 2-11
pH Range,ChemicalCleaning 1-13
Maximum Feed Silt DensityIndex (SDI15) 5.0
Free Chlorine Tolerance < 0.1ppm

1. Permeate flow rates for individual elements may vary±15%.
2. Membrane active areas may vary ±4%.
3. Stabilized salt rejection is generally achieved after continuous using for 24-48 hours, which depending on feed water qualities and operatingconditions.

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