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HyPerforma Rocker Bioreactor (CAT#: AM-BP-0439-LC)


Rocking motion can be adjustable from smooth waveforms to aggressive motions.
Heating blanket with an embedded bimetallic temperature limiting switch which is helpful to prevent overheating or fire is available/
Fast and easy setup using G3Lab Controller and TruBio software

Cat Number: AM-BP-0439-LC

Application: Used for suspension and adherent cell culture application<br />Suitable for PD scale to full cGMP production workflows

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The Thermo ScientificHyPerforma Rocker Bioreactor provides control and measurement capabilities for rocking bioreactor applications. The rocker controlled by HyPerforma G3Lab controller and TruBio software offer a complete solution for research, process development or seed production applications. The rocker can be used in conjunction with 10 L, 20 L, or 50 L Thermo ScientificRock-it Biological Process Containers, which can provide workloads from 5 L to 25 L and integrate the new TruFluor pH + dO2 sensor providing pH, DO, and temperature monitoring.


Material: Stainless Steel
Voltage Limit: 110 to 120 V, 220 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz, powered by the G3Lab Controller
Dimensions: H: 264mm x W: 782mm x D: 701 mm (10.4 x 30.8 x 27.6 in), H: 490 mm x W: 835 mm x D: 712 mm (490.3 x 32.9 x 28.0 in.) with cover
Shipping Condition: Room Temperature
Accuracy of Temperature Control: ±0.15°C at 15°C to 40°C (±0.25°F at 59°F to 104°F)
Weight: 38.5 kg (85 lbs)


Rocking motion can be adjustable from smooth waveforms to aggressive motions.
Heating blanket with an embedded bimetallic temperature limiting switch which is helpful to prevent overheating or fire is available/
Fast and easy setup using G3Lab Controller and TruBio software
TruFluor pH + dO2 sensor can measure and control key process parameters including pH, DO and temperature