IGAsorp Automated Benchtop DVS AnalyzerHiden Isochema (CAT#: STEM-OAI-0011-LKN)


Advanced weight stability, temperature and humidity control.
High measurement accuracy, accuracy and resolution.
Water and organic steam operation.

Cat Number: STEM-OAI-0011-LKN

Application: Quality control, Hydrophobicity, Product stability and shelf life, Water activity and water content determination, Amorphous phase detection and quantification, Diffusion and permeation.

Model: IGAsorp

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IGAsorp Automated Benchtop DVS Analyzer is manufactured by Hiden Isochema. This product is a fully automatic compact desktop DVS analyzer, which can quickly and accurately measure the vapor adsorption of water and organic solvents using dynamic flow technology. The measured vapor absorption isotherms and kinetics are used to characterize, test and evaluate materials under precisely defined environmental conditions.


Advanced weight stability, temperature and humidity control.
High measurement accuracy, accuracy and resolution.
Water and organic steam operation.
Built in user conformance test for weight, temperature and humidity verification.
High security with three user privilege levels and software options in accordance with 21 CFR Part 11.
Advanced analysis functions.

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