Immunohistochemistry (IHC) to analyze antigen (CAT#: STEM-PET-0004-WXH)


Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is the application of the basic principle of immunology - antigen-antibody reaction, through chemical reaction to make the chromogenic agent (fluorescein, enzyme, metal ion, isotope) of the labeled antibody develop color to determine the antigen (polypeptide and protein) in the tissue cell , to conduct positioning, qualitative and quantitative research on it.
The technique has the characteristics of strong specificity, high sensitivity, accurate positioning, and the combination of form and function.


• Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of malignant tumors.
• Determination of the primary site of metastatic malignancy.
• Further pathological classification of certain types of tumors.


1. Dewaxing and hydration
2. Cell permeabilization and sealing
3. Antigen retrieval
4. Serum blocking
5. Incubate primary antibody
6. Incubate the secondary antibody
7. Section and color development
8. Counterstaining and mounting


Customers provide tissue samples.