iMolview, iPhone, iPod touch and iPad (Requires iOS 4.2 or later), Molsoft LLC (CAT#: STEM-LE-0534-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0534-LC

Application: Biological Macromolecules

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iMolview allows users to browse and view 3D protein and DNA structures from protein databases and drug molecules from DrugBank. Search DrugBank for drug names such as "ibuprofen" or "gefitinib", and search for proteins such as "insulin" or "thyroid receptor" in PDB. Information about each molecule in these databases is also within easy reach. Sync and view your own structure files through iTunes. You can customize the molecular view with a rich set of molecular representations (lines, balls and sticks, space fills, ribbon diagrams, molecular surfaces) and various coloring schemes. Select residues, atoms or chains and color or change their representation respectively. The "neighbors" of the ligand are selected or any other choice to identify the interacting atoms or residues.


Type:3D Scene, Education
Platform Size:20.4 MB
Platforms:iPhone, iPod touch and iPad (Requires iOS 4.2 or later)