According to OECD Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals,Test No.487,thein vitromicronucleus(MNvit)test is used to evaluate the presence of micronuclei(MN)in the cytoplasm of interphase cells.
STEMartprovidesin vitromicronucleus test to determine whether a medical device is genotoxic to cells in culture.This assay is available under either GLP(Good Laboratory Practice)or Non-GLP conditions.
OECD 487
Fig.1In vitromicronucleus test procedure.(Migliore,L.2014)
Cells are incubated in 96-well plate with addition of at least three concentrations with duplicates of the medical device extract for a short period(3 to 6 hours)in the presence and absence of metabolic activation(S9)and for a long period in the absence of S9.(CytoB is used as a cytokinesis blocker when human lymphocytes are used.)
Cells are incubated on plate for 1.5-2 cell cycle lengths following the end of treatment to allow chromosome damage on cell cycle/cell division to lead to the formation of micronuclei.
Chromosomal spread slides are then prepared and stained with Giemsa,fluorescent DNA specific dyes or other methods.The presence of micronucleus is evaluated under microscopy in at least 4000 bi-nucleated cells from each concentration(2000 cells from each of the duplicates).
Flow cytometry and laser scanning cytometry can be used for cell analysis.
Negative vehicle control and positive controls are included in each study.
The final report including information on the methodology,raw data,analysis,and interpretation of the results will be provided for customer.
If you have additional questions aboutin vitromicronucleus test,or would like to find out more about our services,please feel free tocontact us.