Instek GSP--827TG In Lake Mary, FL, USA, model GSP--827TG is manufactured by GW Instek. The GSP-827 Spectrum Analyzer is a very handy instrument for RF measurement application, delivering a superior combination of easy-to-use design and exceptional price/performance value enclosed within a highly portable package. Covering 9kHz to 2.7GHz, the GSP-827 is designed to meet Production/Development test demands of RF products as well as on-site Maintenance/ Installation of wireless communication systems. Portable and Easy-To-Use Spectrum Analyzer with Exceptional Price/Performance Covering a frequency range of 9kHz ~ 2.7GHz, the GSP-827 is designed to meet demands in production or development testing of RF products, maintenance or installation of on-site wireless communication systems. The exceptional price/performance, high portability, and easy-to-use design make GSP-827 a very accurate and convenient instrument for most RF measurement applications. High Portability and Large Memory Size
Condition: Used Frequency Range: 9kHz~2.7GHz. Input Range: -100dBm~+20dBm Average Noise Floor: -130dBm/Hz Power Measurements: ACPR/OCBW/CH Power Split Window: Simultaneous Measurements in Two Separate Frequency Spans. RBW: 3KHz, 30KHz, 300KHz, 4MHz
Light Weight at 4.5kg and Compact Size AC/DC/Battery Operation 100 Trace/State Memories with Date/Time stamp and file name
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