Investigation of the Luminescent Peroxidation of Luminol by Stopped-flow method (CAT#: STEM-AC-0023-WXH)


Luminol is a chemical that exhibits chemiluminescence, with a blue glow, when mixed with an appropriate oxidizing agent. Luminol is a white-to-pale-yellow crystalline solid that is soluble in most polar organic solvents, but insoluble in water.
Forensic investigators use luminol to detect trace amounts of blood at crime scenes, as it reacts with the iron in hemoglobin. Biologists use it in cellular assays to detect copper, iron, cyanides, as well as specific proteins via western blotting.


Stopped-flow is an experimental technique for studying chemical reactions with a half time of the order of 1 ms.
In its simplest form, a stopped-flow mixes two solutions. Small volumes of solutions are rapidly and continuously driven into a high-efficiency Ball mixer, so mixing is completed in just a few microseconds. This mixing process then initiates an extremely fast reaction.


Typically used to gain an understanding of reaction mechanisms, including drug-binding processes or following protein structural changes, stopped-flow spectroscopy enables the study of fast reactions in solution over timescales in the range of millisecond to hundreds of seconds.


1. In stopped-flow experiments, two, three, or four sample solutions are rapidly mixed and injected into an observation cell.
2. When the flow is stopped, the kinetics are recorded with a detector best suited to the chemical properties of the solutions and the information of interest (e.g. particle size, the environment of the fluorophore, chromophore).

