Ion Concentration measurements by Conductivity measurement (CAT#: STEM-PPA-0032-WXH)


Since the charge of the ions in solution facilitates the conductance of electrical current, the conductivity of a solution is highly (but not totally) proportional to its ion concentration. As conductivity is a non-specific technique, concentration calculation using conductivity measurements is valid for samples containing only the species of interest.


Conductivity is the measure of the ability of any solution to pass an electrical current. Conductivity is usually affected by free ions which are dissolved in any solution. The ions can be chloride, sulfate, nitrate, phosphate, sodium, magnesium, iron, calcium, or aluminum.


• Natural Waters, Aquaculture and Environmental Applications
• Water Treatment and Industrial Applications
• Agricultural and Hydroponics Applications


1. Use a conductivity standard solution (usually potassium chloride or sodium chloride) to calibrate the meter for the range that you will be measuring.
2. Rinse the probe with distilled or deionized water.
3. Select the appropriate range beginning with the highest range and working down. Read the conductivity of the water sample. If the reading is in the lower 10 percent of the range, switch to the next lower range. If the conductivity of the sample ex ceeds the range of the instrument, you may dilute the sample. Be sure to perform the dilution according to the manufacturer's directions because the dilution might not have a simple linear relationship to the conductivity.
4. Rinse the probe with distilled or deionized water and repeat step 11 until finished.


Conductivity Meters