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IRT-1000 Series FTIR Microscope, JASCO (CAT#: STEM-LE-0085-LC)


It can be easily put into the sample chamber in a few seconds. No need for optical alignment before the measurement.
Three measurement modes are provided, including: transmittance, reflectance and ATR analysis.
The unique sample observation system can completely observe the sample even during the measurement process.

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0085-LC

Application: Mapping analysis and imaging

Model: IRT-1000

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Wavelength Range: 13,000 to 300 cm-1 (depending on FT-IR capabilities)
Detector: DLATGS detector, MCT detector, near infrared optimized detector (optional)


It can be easily put into the sample chamber in a few seconds. No need for optical alignment before the measurement.
Three measurement modes are provided, including: transmittance, reflectance and ATR analysis.
The unique sample observation system can completely observe the sample even during the measurement process.
Data collection and processing are performed by Spectra Manager software. Spectral data can be stored with the video capture of the sample view.

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