iXon SRRF-Stream, Real-time Super Resolution Can be Achieved, Andor Technology (CAT#: STEM-LE-1419-Y)


Conventional Fluorophores, simple labelling, no photo-switching required;
Real-time, enhanced workflow;
Super resolution-increase 2 to 6 times (50-150 nanometer final resolution;

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1419-Y

Application: Super-resolution, membrane fusion, synaptic vesicles, dendritic spine reformation, cell-to-cell communication

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The iXon SRRF-Stream is manufactured by Andor Technology, its resolution is very good, does not require the use of special optical switch fluorophores, provides a powerful super-resolution method, is also extensive. It is suitable for most existing modern fluorescence microscopes.


Type:Scientific EMCCD
Pixel Resolution:(512 x 512) or (1024 x 1024)
Cooling Method:Thermoelectric (TE) Cooling


Conventional Fluorophores, simple labelling, no photo-switching required;
Real-time, enhanced workflow;
Super resolution-increase 2 to 6 times (50-150 nanometer final resolution;
Low excitation intensity (mW-W/cm2);
Observe the full-field image every 1-2 seconds;

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