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L75 / 120LT Dilatometer, -40°C to 160°C, Linseis Inc (CAT#: STEM-LE-0252-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0252-LC

Application: Thermal expansion properties analysis

Model: L75 / 120LT

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L75 / 120LT Dilatometer is designed for expansion measurement of polymer samples. It allows for simultaneous measurement of up to 8 different samples in the wide temperature range of –40°C to +160°C. A common climatic chamber is used in combination with a cooling generator and a heat source to cover this temperature range. The measuring sensors are installed on the top of the heating chamber and connected to the heating chamber through a hole. The entire device is airtight to avoid moisture intrusion into the measurement room.


Temperature Range: -40°C to 160°C
Measuring Range: Up to +/-1800 um
Sample Holder: Fused silica
Sample Length: 80 to 100 mm
Sample Diameter: 4 x 10 mm

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