Lonza 57025 FlashGel System, Lonza (CAT#: STEM-E-0942-LGZ)


1. Rapid DNA isolation and observation of DNA migration.
2. Isolate DNA in 2 - 7 minutes.
3. The monitoring gel runs on the bench without UV light.

Cat Number: STEM-E-0942-LGZ

Application: For fast electrophoresis of DNA.

Model: 57025

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The manufacturer of Lonza 57025 FlashGel System is Lonza. Model is 57025. The FlashGel System for DNA Fast Electrophoresis is an ideal sample screening tool. Quickly detect up to 32 PCR or restriction fragments without planning a day around agarose gels, or verifying the integrity of DNA samples prior to downstream analysis.


Condition: used
Separation and recovery time: 5 minutes
See bands: in as little as 2 minutes


1. Rapid DNA isolation and observation of DNA migration.
2. Isolate DNA in 2 - 7 minutes.
3. The monitoring gel runs on the bench without UV light.
4. This high sensitivity system allows 5-20X reduction in DNA levels - time and money are saved.

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