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Loss on Drying Test (CAT#: STEM-PPA-0001-WXH)


Loss on drying is the loss of weight expressed as percentage w/w resulting from water and volatile matter of any kind that can be driven off under specified conditions. The test is carried out on a well-mixed sample of the substance. If the substance is in the form of large crystals, reduce the size by rapid crushing to a powder.


This is based on the thermogravimetric principle, in which a substance is heated until no more weight is lost, that is, it is completely dry. At the beginning and after dryness is achieved, the weight of the substance is measured. The final weight loss is calculated, and represents the moisture content of the sample. Moisture refers to all matter within a sample which can be vaporized, and thus includes not just water but fats, volatile solvents, and alcohols.


Loss on drying is a widely used test method to determine the moisture content of a sample, although occasionally it may refer to the loss of any volatile matter from the sample.

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