
Manual foot misplacement corridor
Adjustable corridor width
Adjustable space between bars

Cat Number: STEM-LEAR-1245-YJL

Application: For Motor Coordination and Balance in Rodents

Model: STEM-LEAR-1245-YJL

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MANUAL FOOT MISPLACEMENT CORRIDOR, model STEM-LEAR-1245-YJL is manufactured by Panlab
The foot misplacement corridor test is used for assessing motor coordination and balance (gait control) in small laboratory animal (rats and mice).
The use of a ladder allows observing separately the front and hind foot placement in order to accurately count the total number of foot misplacements (misseps).
The width of the corridor can be adjusted to the size of the animal to prevent the animal from turning around.
The system can be combined with the use of a video tracking system for video recording and eventually assess a global evaluation of the animal trajectory, displacement and speed during the test.
This test is a qualitative test with a high sensitivity to determine even subtle loss of movement capacity.


Corridor Length: 100 cm
Corridor Height: 20 cm
Corridor Material: Transparent Perspex
Bar Length: 13 cm
Bar Diameter: 0.3 cm
Bar Material: Metal


Manual foot misplacement corridor
Adjustable corridor width
Adjustable space between bars

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