Masterflex Infusion Pump, High-Pressure, Single-Syringe, Programmable; 115 VAC, Cole-Parmer (CAT#: STEM-DS-1221-LC)


Accepts syringe sizes from 10 uL to 60 mL
RS-232 connection used to connect to a remote computer
Linear force is greater than 100 pounds

Cat Number: STEM-DS-1221-LC

Application: Suitable for fluid delivery to reactors in chemical applications or for working with viscous fluids.

Model: 74903-11

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The Masterflex Infusion Pump manufactured by Cole-Parmer is suitable for fluid delivery to reactors in chemical applications or for working with viscous fluids.


Linear Force (lbs):20
Syringe Size Accepted (Max mL):60
Syringe Size Accepted (Min microL):10
Syringe Travel Rate (mm/min):Maximum: 126.7
Width (in):4
Length (in):9
Height (in):6


Accepts syringe sizes from 10 uL to 60 mL
RS-232 connection used to connect to a remote computer
Linear force is greater than 100 pounds
High pressure syringe clamp

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