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Maxprep™ Liquid Handler with the Maxwell® RSC 48 Instrument, Promega (CAT#: STEM-LE-1001-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1001-LC

Application: Liquid handling

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The Maxprep™ liquid processor and Maxwell® RSC instrument form a modular automated liquid handling and purification system based on PromegaMaxwell® technology. The configurable system combines Maxwell® RSC or the new Maxwell® RSC 48 instrument with the Maxprep™ liquid processor. The Maxprep™ liquid processor provides a pre-programmed method to automatically prepare Maxwell® RSC cartridges and sample trays, as well as post-extraction sample preparation for fluorescence quantification, sample normalization, and various PCR reaction settings. The Maxwell® RSC instrument is easy to use, with individual pre-packed cartridges that can reliably and consistently purify DNA or RNA from a variety of sample types. The instrument covers a series of sample throughputs, where Maxwell® RSC processes 1–16 samples and Maxwell® RSC 48 processes 1–48 samples.

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