MaxTester 715B Last-Mile OTDR, Exfo (CAT#: STEM-AIAEPO-0759-ZJF)


In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications

Cat Number: STEM-AIAEPO-0759-ZJF

Application: To characterize, troubleshoot and maintain optical telecommunication networks

Model: MAX-715B

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The manufacturer of the MaxTester 715B Last-Mile OTDRis Exfo.
Fully featured, entry-level, dedicated OTDR with tablet-inspired design perfect for frontline singlemode fiber installers.


Condition: Certified Pre-owned
Display: 7-in (178-mm) outdoor-enhanced touchscreen, 800 x 480 TFT
Two USB 2.0 ports
RJ45 LAN 10/100 Mbit/s
Storage: 2 GB internal memory (20 000 OTDR traces, typical)
Batteries: Rechargeable lithium-polymer battery 12 hours of operation as per Telcordia (Bellcore) TR-NWT-001138
Power supply: Power supply AC/DC adapter, input 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 9-16 V DCIN 15 Watts minimum
Wavelength (nm): 1310 ± 30/1550 ± 30/1625 ± 10
SM live port built-in filter: 1625 nm: highpass >1595 nm isolation >50 dB from 1270 nm to 1585 nm
Dynamic range (dB): 30/28/28
Event dead zone (m): 1
Attenuation dead zone (m): 4
PON dead zone (m): 35
Distance range (km): 0.1 to 160
Pulse width (ns): 5 to 20 000
Linearity (dB/dB): ±0.05
Loss threshold (dB): 0.01
Loss resolution (dB): 0.001
Sampling resolution (m): 0.04 to 5
Sampling points: Up to 256 000
Distance uncertainty (m): ±(0.75 + 0.0025 % x distance + sampling resolution)
Measurement time: User-defined (maximum: 60 minutes)
Reflectance accuracy (dB): ±2
Typical real-time refresh (Hz): 3


In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications

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