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MB3600-PH FT-NIR Analyzer (CAT#: AM-LE-0004-Y)


• MB3600-PH has a single output port to maximize optical efficiency Therefore, it has excellent spectral performance and its signal-to-noise ratio is the best on the market
• The peak response of DTGS detector (16 cm-1 resolution, 60 seconds acquisition) root mean square number>100,000:1, InGaAs detector>600,000:1
• MB3600-PH is a multi-functional analyzer that can be installed with various simple accessories that do not require calibration to adapt to various samples

Cat Number: AM-LE-0004-Y

Model: MB3600-PH

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MB3600-PH FT-NIR Analyzer is manufactured by ABB Analytical, is a versatile Fourier transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) benchtop analyzer, which can be installed with various accessories to accurately perform various applications in the pharmaceutical and life science industries measuring.


Item: MB3600-PH FT-NIR Analyzer
Company: ABB Analytical
Catalog Number: MB3600-PH
Wavelength Range: 3700 to 15,000 cm-1 (DTGS detector) or 3900 to 11,000 cm-1 (extended-InGaAs detector)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 100,000:1 (DTGS detector) or 600,000:1 (extended-InGaAs detector)
Resolution: better than 0.7 cm-1


• MB3600-PH has a single output port to maximize optical efficiency Therefore, it has excellent spectral performance and its signal-to-noise ratio is the best on the market
• The peak response of DTGS detector (16 cm-1 resolution, 60 seconds acquisition) root mean square number>100,000:1, InGaAs detector>600,000:1
• MB3600-PH is a multi-functional analyzer that can be installed with various simple accessories that do not require calibration to adapt to various samples
• MB3600-PH's novel vertical design provides the smallest footprint, and it is also the lowest cost FT-NIR analyzer

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