MCT-W Series Micro-Compression Testers, Shimadzu (CAT#: STEM-LE-1217-LC)


Compression test: The force will increase until the sample ruptures or reaches the preset load.
Load/unload test: The force increases to the preset maximum load point, and then decreases to the preset minimum load point. By measuring the difference in displacement between the maximum and minimum points, the percentage recovery of the sample can be calculated.
Cycle test: Repeatedly increase and decrease the test force up to 250 times to evaluate the fatigue performance of the sample.

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1217-LC

Application: Compression test

Model: MCT-W

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MCT-W Series Micro-Compression Testers are designed for evaluation of the strength of micro-components, micro-particles, and fine fibers used in new materials.


Test Force Measurement:Maximum Test Forces of 4900 and 1960 mN
Method:Micro Compression, Load-Unload, Cyclic
Interface:PC (2 PCI Slots) / Printer (Not Included)


Compression test: The force will increase until the sample ruptures or reaches the preset load.
Load/unload test: The force increases to the preset maximum load point, and then decreases to the preset minimum load point. By measuring the difference in displacement between the maximum and minimum points, the percentage recovery of the sample can be calculated.
Cycle test: Repeatedly increase and decrease the test force up to 250 times to evaluate the fatigue performance of the sample.

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