Measurement of Plasma Viscosity by Capillary Viscometer (CAT#: STEM-PPA-0003-YJL)


Tissue damage induces a local inflammatory response that in turn stimulates, through interleukin and other mediators, an increase in hepatic synthesis of several acute phase proteins. Quantitative assay of these acute phase proteins in serum is useful for diagnosing and monitoring an inflammatory response. The more complex hyperproteinaemia of the later stages of inflammation (> 24 hours) should be measured by tests such as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and plasma viscosity, which are sensitive to the combined effect of multiple proteins.
Measurement of plasma viscosity has several advantages over measurement of ESR. These include independence from the effects of anaemia, polycythaemia, and erythrocyte deformability; a reference range that is independent of sex and less dependent on age; a shorter assay time; the facility to store plasma for subsequent assay; and the potential for calibration, quality control, and automation.


A capillary viscometer is an instrument used to measure the viscosity, or thickness, of a liquid by measuring how long it takes the liquid to flow through a small-diameter tube, or capillary. The flow, or efflux, time is directly proportional to the liquid's kinematic viscosity, and may be converted directly to viscosity by use of a conversion factor unique to each instrument. Viscosity is generally temperature dependent, so the capillary viscometer is usually used in a controlled-temperature water bath set to a specific temperature.
The capillary method is used to determine the viscosity of a Newtonian fluid (a liquid with a viscosity independent of the shearing stress or rate of shear). Capillary viscometer calculations are performed using suspended level capillary viscometers and Ostwald-type capillary viscometers.


Mineral oil industry; Food industry; Cosmetic/pharmaceutical industry; Petroleum industry


1. Select the capillary viscometer and load the sample.
2. Adjust the bath temperature.
3. Determine the efflux time of the sample.


• Sample Type: Newtonian fluid