Measurement of Viscosity of Heavy Oil Mixtures by Capillary Viscometer (CAT#: STEM-PPA-0009-YJL)


The tremendous increase of oil demand and the depletion of low-viscosity oils have led to the rapid development of very large world resources of heavy oils. However, production and transport of these heavy oils have been challenging because of their very high viscosities. Many recent studies have concentrated on thermal and solvent methods to reduce the oil viscosity to optimize the production of heavy oils.
The estimation of the viscosity of heavy oil mixtures is very important in the petroleum industry to evaluate fluid flow either in the reservoir or for pipeline transportation. Many of the viscosity correlations need recalibration of the parameters to deal with fluids from a specific geographical region. This makes the correlations fluid dependent due to the differences among reservoir fluids such as degree of aromaticity, paraffin content and/or proportions and type of non-hydrocarbon impurities.


A capillary viscometer is an instrument used to measure the viscosity, or thickness, of a liquid by measuring how long it takes the liquid to flow through a small-diameter tube, or capillary. The flow, or efflux, time is directly proportional to the liquid's kinematic viscosity, and may be converted directly to viscosity by use of a conversion factor unique to each instrument. Viscosity is generally temperature dependent, so the capillary viscometer is usually used in a controlled-temperature water bath set to a specific temperature.
The capillary method is used to determine the viscosity of a Newtonian fluid (a liquid with a viscosity independent of the shearing stress or rate of shear). Capillary viscometer calculations are performed using suspended level capillary viscometers and Ostwald-type capillary viscometers.


Mineral oil industry; Food industry; Cosmetic/pharmaceutical industry; Petroleum industry


1. Select the capillary viscometer and load the sample.
2. Adjust the bath temperature.
3. Determine the efflux time of the sample.


• Sample Type: Newtonian fluid