Measuring Cylinder, Glass Material, Round Base with Ground-in Glass Stopper, 500ml, STE-Mart (CAT#: STEM-WMA-0794-LC)


Accuracy limits compliance with ISO 4788 Laboratory glassware-Graduated measuring cylinders

Cat Number: STEM-WMA-0794-LC

Application: Used to precisely measure specific volumes of material

Model: 4204-0500

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Measuring Cylinder provided by STE-Mart is made of Borosilicate glass 3.3 material for durability, chemical-, and temperature- resistance. Uniform wall thickness over the entire measurement range avoids wedge errors.


Capacity: 500ml
Grads.: 5.0ml
Tol.: ±2.50ml
Packing: 2 each/dispenser box, 16×2each/carton


Accuracy limits compliance with ISO 4788 Laboratory glassware-Graduated measuring cylinders