Metallic materials such as steel, copper, and aluminum alloy are widely used in automotive, aerospace, and other industries where safety is important. Failure of these materials may threaten the human life and property security. So, it is necessary to perform metallurgical failure analysis, which is used to determine root cause of failure and prevent similar product failures in the future by analyzing and verifying the failure modes and phenomena.
STEMart performs failure analysis on a variety of metal materials to simulate the recurrence of failure phenomena, and find out the causes of failure, so as to excavate the failure mechanism.
STEMart uses a variety of methods to analyze the fracture surface of metallic materials to determine the cause of breakage and help manufacturer select suitable material based on a specific application.
STEMart provides a thorough and detailed corrosion failure analysis to help clients identify the root cause of a corrosion failure and create/improve corrosion management programs to prevent future occurrences, therefore reducing maintenance, monitoring and failure cost.
STEMart provides comprehensive service to study the mechanism of metal wear failure and analyze its failure process to predict the service life of the metal material and help clients improve the design and surface treatment of the metal material to reduce the wear failure.
For more information about our metallurgical failure analysis service, please contact us.