Micro Inserts for HPLC Vials, 300ul, Flat Bottom, STE-Mart (CAT#: STEM-CACC-0207-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-CACC-0207-LC

Application: Can be used with 1.5ml screw tops, crimp tops, or snap top vials

Model: I300

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Micro Inserts for HPLC Vials provided by STE-Mart are manufactured of clear glass, available with flat bottom, concial bottom, and concial bottom with polyspring. Micro inserts is used in conjunction with autosampler vials, allow for maximum sample recovery and easier sample removal, ensuring the most accurate and reliable analysis of your lab samples.


Volume: 300ul
Bottom: Flat
Size: 31*6mm
Suit for: 9mm, 10-425, 11mm vials