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Microfluidic Chip for electrochemical gradients to 3D cell cultures, Fluigent (CAT#: STEM-ME-0349-WXH)

Cat Number: STEM-ME-0349-WXH

Application: Used for the application of electrochemical gradients to 3D cell cultures.

Model: BE-Gradient

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BE-Gradient is a device designed for the application of electrochemical gradients to 3D cell cultures. BE-Gradient is compatiblewith any type of optical microscopy (inverted phase contrast, confocal, fluorescence..). Be-Gradient consists of a central chamber for cell culture and two lateral channels connecting to the central chamber through 3 small microchannels. Lateral channels are meant to simulate blood vessels. 2D culture is also possible for adherent cells not only in the central chamber but also in the lateral channels.


Central channel300 µm×1 mm×39 mm (12.6 µL)
Lateral channel300 µm×1 mm×50 mm (14.5 µL)
Chamber300 µm×2 mm×4.6 mm (3 µL)
Inlet/outler8 mm×2.3 mm (18.4 µL)
Reservoir6 mm×3.6 m×7 mm (151.2 µL)

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