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MILA 5000 Series Desktop RTA Furnace, RT to 1200°C (MILA-5000-P-F), RT to 800°C (MILA-5000-P-N), ULVAC Technologies, Inc. (CAT#: STEM-LE-1895-LC)


Heating rate up to 50°C/s
Select the expected atmosphere from vacuum, gas, gas flow, air
Precise temperature control

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1895-LC

Application: Heating

Model: MILA 5000

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The MILA-5000 series is a full-size infrared gold image furnace RTA device which can perform high-speed heating, high-speed cooling, and clean sample heating. MILA-5000 allows material heating in an adjustable atmosphere and combines the temperature controller and the protective quartz vacuum sample chamber into a compact, low-cost system. With optional pumping, the vacuum of the sample chamber can reach 4e-6 mbar. Programming and operation can be performed directly from the front panel, or via a USB connection to a PC running the included software that includes data monitoring and collection functions.


Temperature Range:RT to 1200°C (MILA-5000-P-F), RT to 800°C (MILA-5000-P-N)


Heating rate up to 50°C/s
Select the expected atmosphere from vacuum, gas, gas flow, air
Precise temperature control
Compact, table-top design

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