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Milli-Q® CLX 7000 Series of Large Water Purification Systems, MilliporeSigma (CAT#: STEM-LE-0485-LC)


Full monitoring and automatic e-record archiving for up to 2 years facilitate laboratory accreditation and reaccreditation processes (e.g., CAP 15189SM accreditation to the ISO 15189:2012 standard).
Pre-installation water analysis, customizable Milli-Q Service Plans, and remote connection capabilities maximize system performance and reliability.
Patented Elix EDI technology ensures constant water quality that complies with the CLSI guideline.

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0485-LC

Application: Laboratory Water Purification

Model: Milli-Q® CLX 7000

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The Milli-Q CLX 7000 series provides an economical and reliable high-performance water purification solution that can meet the daily water demand of up to 3000 L. These systems integrate the most advanced Elix electrodeionization (EDI) modules as well as 24/7 real-time monitoring and remote control. The water produced by the Milli-Q CLX 7000 series meets the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines for clinical laboratory reagent water (CLRW).


Full monitoring and automatic e-record archiving for up to 2 years facilitate laboratory accreditation and reaccreditation processes (e.g., CAP 15189SM accreditation to the ISO 15189:2012 standard).
Pre-installation water analysis, customizable Milli-Q Service Plans, and remote connection capabilities maximize system performance and reliability.
Patented Elix EDI technology ensures constant water quality that complies with the CLSI guideline.
Elix technology combined with innovative E.R.A.™ technology automatically optimize water recovery to decrease usage costs and extend cartridge lifetimes.
All important information about system operation can be seen at a glance, plus an intuitive interface saves users time and effort.