Monitoring of NO2/NO3 in wastewater by Resonance Raman spectroscopy (CAT#: STEM-ST-0050-WXH)


Nitrate (NO3) and Nitrite (NO2) are nitrogen-containing compounds that can be found in water and soils. The presence of nitrate and nitrite generally indicates contamination from a pasture, manure pile, decomposed vegetation or agricultural fertilizers, or sewage, though it may come from erosion of natural deposits.


Resonance Raman spectroscopy (RR spectroscopy) is a Raman spectroscopy technique in which the incident photon energy is close in energy to an electronic transition of a compound or material under examination. The frequency coincidence (or resonance) can lead to greatly enhanced intensity of the Raman scattering, which facilitates the study of chemical compounds present at low concentrations.


• Analysis of biocompatibility of a material.
• Analysis of nucleic acids.
• Study of interactions between drugs and cells.
• Photodynamic therapy (PDT).
• Analyzing metabolic accumulations of a substance or compounds.
• Diagnosis of disease.
• Analysis of individual cells.
• Cell sorting applications.
• Analyzing the features of biomolecules.
• Study of bone structure.


1. Preparation of samples
2. Determine instrument parameters
3. Perform background scan
4. Test the sample
5. Data analysis


• Raman Spectrometer
• Raman Imaging Microscope