MT-2000 Motorized X-Y Translator/System for Fixed-Stage Microscopes, Sutter Instrument (CAT#: STEM-LE-1332-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1332-LC

Application: Microscope

Model: MT-2000

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The MT-2000 is a motorized microscope translator system containing multiple platforms for manipulators and specimen. MT-2000 uses the MT-75 for each manipulator and the MT-150 to hold the tissue chamber. MT-2000 features free-standing columns that offer rock solid mounting for the tissue recording chamber and multiple micromanipulators. The core of the MT-2000 system is the MT-800 stepper-motor which is driven by the popular MP-285 manipulator controller. The MP-285 controller offers extensive on-board robotic functionality and a serial computer interface for PC control.


Resolution:0.250 µm (Course), 0.050 µm (Fine)
Travel:22-23 mm
Max. Load:110 lbs. (50 kg)

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