multi N/C® UV HS Analytical System, with Easy Cal Patented Technology, Analytik Jena (CAT#: STEM-LE-1570-Y)


1. Wide range and full range analysis. No need to dilute, accurate measurement.
2. VITA patented technology.
3. Easy Cal patented technology.

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1570-Y

Application: multi N/C Series Robust and reliable for any TOC/Tnbapplication.

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The multi N/C® Series Analytical Systems are manufactured by Analytik Jena. This series of equipment is widely used, thanks to its patented high-focus non-dispersive infrared NDIR detector, VITA technology, Easy Cal patented technology and total nitrogen CLD, ChD Detector. It can measure multiple parameters quickly and has a high degree of automation to meet the needs of different users.


1. Wide range and full range analysis. No need to dilute, accurate measurement.
2. VITA patented technology.
3. Easy Cal patented technology.
4. Automatic protection function.
5. SCS safety self-check system.
6. Perfect digestion system.
7. Multi-parameter rapid measurement: TC, TOC, NPOC, TIC, POC and TNb can be quickly and accurately measured
8. Modular design, flexible configuration and high degree of automation.

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