Multicolor Spectral Karyotyping of Human Chromosomes (CAT#: STEM-ST-0372-WXH)


The simultaneous and unequivocal discernment of all human chromosomes in different colors would be of significant clinical and biologic importance. Whole-genome scanning by spectral karyotyping allowed instantaneous visualization of defined emission spectra for each human chromosome after fluorescence in situ hybridization. By means of computer separation (classification) of spectra, spectrally overlapping chromosome-specific DNA probes could be resolved, and all human chromosomes were simultaneously identified.


It is based on the hybridization of collections of chromosome-specific FISH probes labeled with different fluorochromes or fluorochrome combinations, allowing the discrimination of each of the 24 different human chromosomes.


Detection of subtle chromosomal aberrations, including marker chromosomes, small translocations, complex rearrangements and minute structural abnormalities.


1. Metaphase preparation
2. Slide pretreatment
3. Slide and probe denaturation
4. Hybridization
5. Detection
6. Image acquisition and image analysis


Fluorescent dyes, spectrum orange, Texas red, Cy5, spectrum green, Cy5