Multicolour Flow Cytometry (CAT#: STEM-CBT-0050-WXH)


Multicolor flow cytometry is a rapidly evolving technology that uses multiple fluorescent markers to identify and characterize cellular subpopulations of interest, allowing rapid analysis on tens of thousands of cells per second, with the possibility of isolating pure, viable populations by cell sorting for further experimentation.


The multicolor element of flow cytometry relies on multicolor panels that require the use of tandem dyes. Tandem dyes are made up of a donor fluorophore that generates excitation characteristics, and another acceptor fluorophore that creates the emission characteristics.


• Study a disease state or biological process.
• Diagnosis of haematological disorders and other diseases.
• CD4/CD8 absolute counts.
• Leukemia/lymphoma immunophenotyping.
• Signal pathway dectetion.
• Apoptosis analysis.
• Minimal residual leukemia.
• Proliferation/activation analysis.
• Cell cycle analysis.
• Dendritic cell analysis.
• Immunology, immuno-oncology, virology, immune monitoring and many others applications.


1.Fluorochromes selection
2.Match your markers to selected fluorochromes
3.Search for conjugated antibody
4.Compensation adjustment and data gather


Darker dyes: FITC, PerCP
Brighter dyes: PE, APC, PerCP/Cy5.5, PE/Cy5

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