Multitest Analyzer NMTA-100, Sample Volume 50 µL to 500 µL, LABNICS EQUIPMENT Limited Company (CAT#: STEM-AIAE-3010-LGZ)


1. Color touch screen display (parameter monitoring).
2. The cuvettes can be directly read and solidified by cell flow.
3. Methods: Endpoint, Fixation Time, Kinetics, Serum Pool, Bichromate, Two Reagents, Multipoint, Nephelometric and Kinetic Nephelometry.

Cat Number: STEM-AIAE-3010-LGZ

Application: Used for the analysis of various biological components in fields such as pathology, medical microbiology, and research purposes.

Model: NMTA-100

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The NMTA-100 Multi-Test Analyzer is a benchtop device with quality control of normal values and outliers, automatic statistics and analysis of control data. Built-in thermal printer, permanent printing by thermal wax transfer. Offers multilingual capabilities to make it user friendly.


Function: Chemistry + Coagulation
Sample volume: 50 µL to 500 µL
Wavelength: Chemistry: 340 nm,405 nm , 492 nm, 510 nm, 546 nm, 620 nm, 670 nm, Coagulation: 450 nm, 670 nm
Incubator: 2 reagent and 20 sample incubation positions , controlled at 37 °C ± 0.5 °C
Test menu: Chemistry: Kidney function, liver function, cardiac markers, minerals, blood disorders, blood lipid, drug of abuse, miscellaneous, etc., Coagulation: PT, APTT, FBG, TT, D-Dimer, FDP,AT-III, PC, PS, VWF, Factor V, VII, VIII, IX,X,XI,XII deficient substrate, etc.
Temperature for cuvette: 37 °C ± 0.1 °C
Drift: ≤ 0.0001 OD/hr.
Display: 7 inch touch screen
Storage: 1000 test results
Connection port: USB & RS232
Power: 110 V / 60 Hz, or 220 V/ 50 Hz, 150 W
Dimensions: 340 x 380 x 210 mm
Weight: 6.5 kgs


1. Color touch screen display (parameter monitoring).
2. The cuvettes can be directly read and solidified by cell flow.
3. Methods: Endpoint, Fixation Time, Kinetics, Serum Pool, Bichromate, Two Reagents, Multipoint, Nephelometric and Kinetic Nephelometry.

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