Neptune PZ-31-VFC Manual Control Feed-Verification Diaphragm Pump, 11.4 GPD, PVC, 94 to 264 VAC, Cole-Parmer (CAT#: STEM-DS-1165-LC)


High stroke per minute can ensure a more even distribution of fluid at low flow rates
Very suitable for outdoor use, waterproof and UV protection
Optional flow checker for meansurement of the pump output

Cat Number: STEM-DS-1165-LC

Application: Basic flow injection of chemicals into boiler and cooling tower, drinking water disinfection, and landscape irrigation applications.

Model: PZ-31-VFC

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The Neptune Manual Control Feed-Verification Diaphragm Pump manufactured by Cole-Parmer deliveries consistant flow rate. It is suitable for basic flow injection of chemicals into boiler and cooling tower, drinking water disinfection, and landscape irrigation applications. The optional flow checker installed directly onto the discharge end of the pump is a simple oval gear meter used to verify flow rates.


Max Flow Rate (mL/min):32
Max Flow Rate (LPH):1.89
Max Flow Rate (GPH):0.5
Max Flow Rate (Strokes/min):300
Max Pressure (PSI):140
Power (VAC):94 to 264
Power (Hz):50/60
Wetted Materials:Ceramic, PTFE, PVC, Viton
Inlet Connection:3/8" OD tubing
Outlet Connection:3/8" OD tubing
Max Temperature (° F):104
Max Temperature (° C):40
Viscosity, Max (cP):50
Duty Cycle Continuous:Yes
Height (in):8.125
Width (cm):18.4
Length (in):4.625
Height (cm):20.6
Width (in):7.25
Length (cm):11.8


High stroke per minute can ensure a more even distribution of fluid at low flow rates
Very suitable for outdoor use, waterproof and UV protection
Optional flow checker for meansurement of the pump output

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