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Nicolet iN10 IR Microscope, Thermo Fisher Scientific (CAT#: STEM-LE-1636-LC)


Integrated design eliminates need for external spectrometer
Compact footprint saves laboratory space and budget
Room temperature detector eliminates the need for liquid nitrogen for samples down to 50-microns

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1636-LC

Application: Microscope

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Thermo Scientific™ Nicolet™ iN™ 10 infrared microscope is an intuitive, innovative and integrated infrared microscope that provides the convenience of an FT-IR spectrometer and can measure samples of a few microns. The Nicolet iN10 microscope is equipped with tools that simplify the workflow of infrared microanalysis and can provide answers with the confidence required by modern analytical laboratories. The integrated Nicolet iN10's efficient optical design and novel instrument operation methods provide users of all skill levels with more valuable technical approaches.


Integrated design eliminates need for external spectrometer
Compact footprint saves laboratory space and budget
Room temperature detector eliminates the need for liquid nitrogen for samples down to 50-microns
Integral computer controlled automation allows access to all system settings from the computer
Programmable sample coordinates accelerate repetitive tasks
Dual monitor operation provides maximum viewing
Fully automated system performance verification offers maximum confidence
Simplified operation and automated routines for most common micro-analysis routines
Spectral identification of pure compounds and mixtures with OMNIC Specta software
Direct contact sampling with MicroTip ATR
Sensitivity enhancement with LN-cooled MCT detector
Manual or motorized stage
Best viewing comfort with dual monitor operation
Enhanced visual inspection with motorized visible polarizer
Expand with the Thermo Scientific™ Nicolet™ iZ™10 FT-IR module to work with standard sample-compartment accessories

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