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NiGen LCMS 40-1,Up to 100 Sample Positions, Organomation Associates (CAT#: STEM-LE-0833-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0833-LC

Application: Laboratory Analytical Instruments

Model: NiGen LCMS 40-1

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NiGen LCMS 40-1 is compatible with all Organomation nitrogen evaporators with up to 100 sample locations and all LCMS analyzers on the market. It is equipped with a fully integrated oil-free compressor, so no separate source of compressed air is required.


Type:nitrogen gas generator
Number of Samples:up to 100 sample positions
Flow Rate:Up to 38 NL/min
Dimensions:(WxDxH) 17.3 x 43.3 x 52 in
Number of Positions:up to 100 samples

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