Pall STAX Disposable Depth Filter System, Pall Corporation (CAT#: STEM-GLEPO-0343-ZJF)


In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications

Cat Number: STEM-GLEPO-0343-ZJF

Application: For filtration.

Model: SXPSC10W

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The manufacturer of the Pall STAX Disposable Depth Filter System is Pall Corporation.
Stax capsules, utilizing Seitz high performance depth filter media and the patented Supradisc II module design, are ideally suited for demanding pre-filtration and clarification biopharmaceutical applications. This ready-to-use platform is an ideal tool to streamline your process filtration applications. Stax disposable depth filter capsules increase process efficiencies and address the needs for simplicity, safety, speed, and intuitive operation. Optimized with a small foot print design, the Stax platform makes for an easy to handle and operate process step.
Scalable in size and performance to meet lab, pilot and process needs, Pall's Stax disposable capsules enable greater flexibility and ease of use than traditional depth filter technology. With three interchangeable capsule sizes ranging from 0.25 m2 to 2.0 m2 (2.70 ft2 to 21.5 ft2). Stax capsules permit incremental increases in process fluid volume and filter area through the use of this modular design.
The pre-owned products will be thoroughly cleaned and fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications before shipping.


Condition: Certified Pre-Owned
Operating Pressure max: 3.5 bar
Operating Temp max: 60 °C


In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications

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