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Paraffin Embedding (CAT#: STEM-PET-0007-WXH)


Paraffin embedding is a standard technique used in clinical and research laboratories to create a formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) block of tissue. Paraffin embedding includes a series of steps such as fixation, dehydration, transparency, wax immersion, embedding, and sectioning. It is a routine experimental method in morphological subjects such as histology and pathology. It is an important tool for qualitative, localization, and quantitative analysis of substances.


• Qualitative, localization and quantitative analysis of the morphological structure and chemical substances of organs, tissues and cells.
• Combining with immunological technique, detect tissue macromolecules in tissue sections, and conduct qualitative and localization research.
• Used in conjunction with flow cytometry to measure DNA content and ploidy analysis.


1. Obtaining a fresh specimen
2. Fixation
3. Dehydration
4. Clearing
5. Wax infiltration
6. Embedding or blocking out
7. Trim the block
8. Slicing
9. Gluing
10. Dewaxing, staining, dehydration transparency and sealing


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