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PE Nexion 1000 ICP/MS Spectrometer, Perkin Elmer (CAT#: STEM-SPO-0092-ZJF)


A dedicated SMARTintro™ sample introduction module with integrated All Matrix Solution delivers long-term stability while handling high dissolved solids
Three quadrupoles and the unique capability of the Universal Cell to switch between Collision and Reaction modes using a single gas combine to offer efficient interference removal, requiring minimal switching times (<15 sec) and increasing your productivity
Extended Dynamic Range capabilities offer the ability to detect high- and low-level elements in a single sample run

Cat Number: STEM-SPO-0092-ZJF

Application: To measure the variation of a physical characteristic over a given range

Model: Nexion 1000

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The manufacturer of the PE Nexion 1000 ICP/MS Spectrometer, Perkin Elmer is Perkin Elmer.
Refurbished Perkin Elmer Nexion 1000 ICP/MS (p/n N8150018) complete with SC-4 DXS autosampler, Polyscience chiller (p/n N0772046), Sogevac SV40BI vacuum pump, and Syngistix PC workstation.


Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned
21 CFR Part 11 Compatible: Yes
Depth: 69.0 cm
Height: 75.0 cm
Model Name: NexION 1000
Portable: No
Product Brand Name: NexION
Warranty: 1 Year
Weight: 150.0 kg
Width: 81.0 cm


A dedicated SMARTintro™ sample introduction module with integrated All Matrix Solution delivers long-term stability while handling high dissolved solids
Three quadrupoles and the unique capability of the Universal Cell to switch between Collision and Reaction modes using a single gas combine to offer efficient interference removal, requiring minimal switching times (<15 sec) and increasing your productivity
Extended Dynamic Range capabilities offer the ability to detect high- and low-level elements in a single sample run
The industry’s fastest data acquisition speed (100,000 points/sec) to handle any particle size
A new solid-state RF generator with revolutionary LumiCoil™ technology – first ICP-MS RF coil that requires no maintenance or cooling
Triple Cone Interface with Quadrupole Ion Deflector, delivering no maintenance beyond the cones
Syngistix™ software provides an intuitive interface that mirrors your workflow, with left-to-right, icon-based navigation that guides you through your analysis. Plus, it’s a cross-platform solution, easing the transition from technique to technique

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