Pharmacia LKB Frac-100 HPLC Fraction Collector, Pharmacia Fine Chemicals (CAT#: STEM-C-0233-LGZ)


1. With peak detection and positioning capabilities, programmable acquisition mode.
2. Communication with external components, tubes and level sensors.
3. The chromatographic evaluation function integrates the peak height in real time, and places a 10-18mm tube rack in the 95 area.

Cat Number: STEM-C-0233-LGZ

Application: For HPLC system.

Model: LKB Frac-100

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The manufacturer of Pharmacia LKB Frac-100 HPLC Fraction Collector is Pharmacia Fine Chemicals. Model is LKB Frac-100. The frar-100 (with the drop count accessory) can collect fractions in a number of different ways, based on time, volume or drop count, controlled by a simple program specified by the operator. For example, you can choose to collect uniform scores for a fixed period of time.


Condition: used
Fraction Size Timing: 01-99.99 min (0.01 min increments)
Fraction Size Timing: 100-999.9 min (0.1 min increments)
Fraction Size Timing: 1000-9 999 min (1 min increments) within an accuracy of ± 0.02%
Fraction Size Volume: 01-99.99 mL (0.01 mL increments)
Fraction Size Volume: 100-999.9 mL (0.1 mL increments)
Fraction Size Volume: 1000-9 999 mL (1 mL increments) within and accuracy of ± 0.02%
Maximum Drop Rate: 15 drops/sec
Weight: 5 kg
Dimensions: 30 x 29 x 39 cm
Environment: +4 to +40 °C, 20-95% relative humidity
Environment: 84-106 kPa (840-1060 mbar) atmospheric pressure
Peak Memory: up to 11 peaks
Tubing: 7 – 2 mm outer diameter


1. With peak detection and positioning capabilities, programmable acquisition mode.
2. Communication with external components, tubes and level sensors.
3. The chromatographic evaluation function integrates the peak height in real time, and places a 10-18mm tube rack in the 95 area.
4. 0.01 - -9.999 minutes time mode.
5. Volume mode 0.01-9.999 mL.

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