Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production System

Hydrogen production from photocatalytic water decomposition provides a promising approach to harvest solar energy for addressing the challenges of energy shortage and environmental pollution. Three great challenges of photocatalytic hydrogen production should be well addressed: the capture of solar light, the separation / transfer of photo-excited charge pairs and the surface redox reactions to produce usable fuels.

Sample Requirements

  • Powder sample, more than 50 mg.
  • Indicate whether to add a co-catalyst, what kind of co-catalyst, and the amount added.
  • Indicate whether to add a sacrificial agent, what kind of sacrificial agent, and concentration.
  • Indicate what wavelength the light source is, whether it has apparent quantum efficiency and the corresponding wavelength.


  • Photocatalytic water splitting for hydrogen / oxygen production
  • Photocatalytic total splitting of water
  • Photocatalytic quantum efficiency measurement

Instrument and Result Display

Instrument and Result Display

Instrument and Result Display

Instrument and Result Display

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For more information about our photocatalytic hydrogen production system testing services, please contact us.

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