PL-200 Slide Loader System, Prior Scientific Inc. (CAT#: STEM-LE-0982-LC)


200 slide capacity - 1x3 slides
100 slide capacity - 2x3 slides
Compact design

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0982-LC

Application: Process slides

Model: PL-200

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PL-200 Slide Loader System is an advanced system that can automatically process slides in various microscope applications. Now, Objective Imaging's Surveyor software with Turboscan and Molecular Devices MetaMorph image acquisition and analysis software fully support PL-200.


Capacity:200 - 1x3 inch slides, 100 - 2x3 inch slides
Dimensions:(WxDxH) 35 x 50 x 68 cm
Loading Speed:20 to 25s


200 slide capacity - 1x3 slides
100 slide capacity - 2x3 slides
Compact design
Easy software integration
Compatible with ProScan stages
Supported by Turboscan, MetaMorph and ImagePro image acquisition and analysis software