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PL-SP 260VS GPC Sample Preparation System (CAT#: AM-LE-0605-Y)


• To ensure the safety of toxic eluents, an extraction hood can be installed during the dissolution stage, and air-sensitive samples can be purged with nitrogen
• PL-SP 260VS provides selectable shaking speed, which can be easily adjusted through the front panel of the instrument
• During sample preparation, the sample bottle can be continuously stirred, or the shaker can be programmed to run within a specific time period

Cat Number: AM-LE-0605-Y

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The PL-SP 260VS GPC Sample Preparation System is manufactured by Agilent Technologies, which combines controllable heating and gentle stirring in the temperature range of 30-260 °C (±2 °C), users can choose 85-230rpm (± 10%) as a sample preparation system designed for manual dissolution and filtration of samples before GPC analysis.


Vial Types: 2 or 4 ml Vials
Temperature Range: 30 to 260C
Vortexing Speed: 85 to 230 rpm
Filtration System: Glass Fiber or Porous Stainless Steel (0.5, 2, 5 and 10 um)


• To ensure the safety of toxic eluents, an extraction hood can be installed during the dissolution stage, and air-sensitive samples can be purged with nitrogen
• PL-SP 260VS provides selectable shaking speed, which can be easily adjusted through the front panel of the instrument
• During sample preparation, the sample bottle can be continuously stirred, or the shaker can be programmed to run within a specific time period
• The aluminum block of the heating chamber has a variety of specifications, which can be adapted to various types of vials, and also allows customers to specify other sample bottles
• The unique pipette device can effectively distribute the filtered sample solution directly from the sample preparation vial to the destination (autosampler) vial
• There are two filter media to choose from
-Glass fiber (nominal porosity 1 µm)
-Porous stainless steel (nominal porosity 05 µm, 2 µm, 5 µm or 10 µm)
• Both types are suitable for removing cross-linked polymer "gels" or insoluble additives