Polysaccharide–protein interactions by Diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS) (CAT#: STEM-MB-0864-WXH)


Protein–polysaccharide interactions are of great importance in the design of dairy formulations, as they play a key role in the formation of structure and texture in dairy products. With a detailed understanding of the factors affecting the interactions, the ability of charged polysaccharides to associate with the milk proteins is continuously exploited to create functional complexes, novel ingredients and delivery systems. In addition, formulations containing non-interacting polysaccharides also need to be carefully controlled, as these biopolymers may give rise to segregative phase separation, with important consequences to the stability and quality of the final matrix.


Diffusing-wave spectroscopy (DWS) is an optical technique derived from dynamic light scattering (DLS) that studies the dynamics of scattered light in the limit of strong multiple scattering. DWS is able to give information about the local dynamics of particle dispersion in a highly turbid medium. It has been widely used in the past to study colloidal suspensions, emulsions, foams, gels, biological media, and other forms of soft matter. If carefully calibrated, DWS allows the quantitative measurement of microscopic motion in a soft material, from which the rheological properties of the complex medium can be extracted via the microrheology approach.
The technique of DWS depends on the scattering of light from highly turbid suspensions. A sample of the suspension is illuminated by light from a laser and the incoming photons are multiply scattered. This scattered light is detected and subjected to autocorrelation analysis.


• Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy (DWS) is an advanced light scattering technique, which is primarily applied for microrheology and particle sizing.
• DWS has been applied in biomedical and clinical areas, especially in monitoring cerebral blood flow (CBF).


1. Sample Preparation
2. Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy Testing
3. Data analysis


• Diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS) instrument
• DWS RheoLab