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Printer Compatible X Ray Film Blue Color, 8x10 in, KEFU (CAT#: STEM-DXRM-0037-ZJF)


Printer Compatibility: Compatible with Agfa 5302 and Fuji 2000/Lite/3500 printers, providing ease of use and compatibility for medical professionals.
High Contrast: Generates X-ray images with exceptional contrast, facilitating clear differentiation between various tissues and structures.
Low Fog: Boasting a haze level of ≤20%, our Medical X Ray Film minimizes fog appearance in images, guaranteeing precise and clear results.

Cat Number: STEM-DXRM-0037-ZJF

Application: For medical image or report output

Model: L200 L500 H600

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Medical X-Ray Film serves as a critical resource within radiology, enabling the creation of sharp, internal body structure images. Crafted for compatibility with X-ray technology, it delivers precise, detailed visuals crucial for health assessments.
A distinctive feature of this X-Ray Film is its blue hue, setting it apart from alternatives and improving image contrast. This cooler shade aids clinicians in discerning various tissues and anomalies with greater ease.
Offering a density span from 0.28D to 3.0D, the film accommodates a broad spectrum of imaging needs, from diverse anatomical regions to contrast levels. Its capacity for high contrast ensures comprehensive detail capture, facilitating accurate evaluations.
Moreover, with a haze threshold below 20%, it guarantees image clarity, a vital aspect for precise diagnoses and treatment strategies.
Renowned in healthcare for its superior clarity, precision, and dependability, Medical X-Ray Film is the choice of professionals globally. Opting for Medical X-Ray Film enhances diagnostic accuracy and efficacy in patient care.


Sharpness: High
Fog Level: Low
Min Density: 0.28D
Thickness: 200±5μm
Structure: PET Base, Protective Layer
Printer Compatible: Agfa 5302
Resolution: 320dpi
Haze: ≤20%
Color: Blue Film
All Available Sizes:


Printer Compatibility: Compatible with Agfa 5302 and Fuji 2000/Lite/3500 printers, providing ease of use and compatibility for medical professionals.
High Contrast: Generates X-ray images with exceptional contrast, facilitating clear differentiation between various tissues and structures.
Low Fog: Boasting a haze level of ≤20%, our Medical X Ray Film minimizes fog appearance in images, guaranteeing precise and clear results.
Wide Exposure Latitude: Offers a broad spectrum of image densities, ranging from 0.28D to 3.0D, allowing for versatile imaging and precise outcomes.
High Density: Featuring a maximum density of 3.0D, our Medical X Ray Film ensures superior detail and sharpness in X-ray images.

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