RETSCH GM200 Mill Grinder, Retsch (CAT#: STEM-GLE-1707-LGZ)


1. Universal 200 is not only ideal for homogeneous substances with high water, oil or fat content, but also perfectly suitable for grinding dry, soft and medium-hard products. The rapid homogenization process without significant heating ensures the preservation of volatile sample components.
2. Due to the reproducible setting of parameters, programs and sequences, the mill ensures that the analytical results have the smallest standard deviation. These features, combined with a wide selection of lids and containers, allow the mill to be adapted to individual application requirements.

Cat Number: STEM-GLE-1707-LGZ

Application: For grinding and homogenizing foods and feeds.

Model: GM200

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The manufacturer of RETSCH GM200 Mill Grinder is Retsch. Model is GM200. The GRINDOMIX GM 200 knife grinder is ideal for comminuting and homogenizing food and feedstuffs. Featuring two sharp, powerful blades and a powerful 1000w motor, it allows to process sample volumes up to 0.7 liters quickly and efficiently.


Condition: used
Processed sample volume: up to 0.7 liters


1. Universal 200 is not only ideal for homogeneous substances with high water, oil or fat content, but also perfectly suitable for grinding dry, soft and medium-hard products. The rapid homogenization process without significant heating ensures the preservation of volatile sample components.
2. Due to the reproducible setting of parameters, programs and sequences, the mill ensures that the analytical results have the smallest standard deviation. These features, combined with a wide selection of lids and containers, allow the mill to be adapted to individual application requirements.

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