RheoSense m-VROC Viscometer, RheoSense (CAT#: STEM-AIAE-2324-LGZ)


1. m-VROC™ has the widest dynamic range (high shear rate viscosity measurement up to 1,400,000 s-1), requiring only 50 microliters of sample.
2. Can be used for the most demanding applications, including small sample protein therapy.

Cat Number: STEM-AIAE-2324-LGZ

Application: For Bio-pharmaceutical & Protein Therapeutics, Bio-Fluid, Injectability, RNA Therapeutics, Ceramic, Coatings, Cosmeceuticals, Food & Beverages, Fracking, Inks, Conductive, Ceramic, Oils & Lubricants, Rechargeable Battery and Fuel Cells.

Model: m-VROC

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The manufacturer of RheoSense m-VROC Viscometer is RheoSense. Model is m-VROC. Controlled shear rates and small samples. m-VROC is the world's leading automated small sample viscometer used by Fortune 500 companies and leading research universities.


Condition: used
Minimum Sample Volume: 50 µL
Maximum Shear Rate, s-1: 0.5 ~ 1,400,000 s-1
Viscosity Range, mPa-s (cP): 0.2 ~ 100,000 cP
Temperature Range: 4~70 °C
Accuracy: 2% of Reading
Repeatability: 0.5% of Reading
Temperature Sensor: Built-In
Software: Included
Non-Newtonian: Yes!
Temperature Sweep: Yes!
Shear Rate Sweep: Yes!
Viscometer Dimensions: 10" x 15.5" x 7"


1. m-VROC™ has the widest dynamic range (high shear rate viscosity measurement up to 1,400,000 s-1), requiring only 50 microliters of sample.
2. Can be used for the most demanding applications, including small sample protein therapy.

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